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Posted on March 06, 2018
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Streaming Wedlock House: An Intercourse (1959) Full Movie and Download. Wedlock House: An Intercourse can be access for free registering. Download Wedlock House: An Intercourse with 720p Quality.
Wedlock House: An Intercourse (1959)
Release : 1959-01-01 Genre : Runtime : 11 minutes Home Page : Company : Cast : Jane Brakhage, Stan Brakhage
We see a film negative of a nude couple embracing in bed. Then, back in regular black and white images, we see them alone and together, clothed, at home. It's night, she sees his reflection in the window, she closes the drapes. After sex, again in a black and white negative, they sit, smoke, have coffee. They kiss, she smiles. They light candles. The images are often quick, the camera angles occasionally are off kilter; the room is sometimes dark and sometimes lit, as if lit by the rotating of a searchlight. The images again appear in negative when they return to bed.
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