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>WATCH-OnLine]™ The Serpent's Way 1986 Full Movie uTORRENT 720p

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The Serpent's Way

Watch The Serpent's Way Online Streaming

The Serpent's Way (1986)

Release : 1986-12-25
Genre : Drama
Runtime : 111 minutes
Home Page :
Company : Crescendo Films, Svensk Filmindustri (SF), Svenska Filminstitutet
Cast : Stina Ekblad, Stellan Skarsgård, Pernilla August, Ernst Günther, Tomas von Brömssen

A salesman and his son sexually abuse the generations of women of a poor family as payment for debt. Janni must see his mother, sister, niece and wife all being exploited, and the family grow bigger with the abuser's kids.

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The Serpent's Way

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